Jan 5, 2010

First post for 2010

I can't believe it's been since last August I posted any pictures. After taking a few months off from photography, I decided to start off the year by dusting the cobwebs off my camera and start shooting. And so I did. This time it was for Justine's senior photos. These are just sneak peeks and should have more to post in a few days.




Here's a couple with her man.



Kat said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!! you're back! let me know if you start doing family pictures again :)
i LOVE these picture, yay for ms. justine!
i love that last one of her and her boyfriend
so glad to see you're back to taking pictures, you're so talented!

Carol said...

Thanks Kat, that's sweet of you. Yes, I'm starting again so whenever you want to get some pictures done let me know.